The CLIMArcTIC project is divided into 4 research work packages (WP) and 1 work package for project coordination , scientific dissemination and outreach.

WP0: Coordination and dissemination – Lead : Camille Lique (LOPS)

The first objectives of this work package (WP) are the coordination of the project activities. The CLIMArcTIC consortium is coordinated by Camille Lique, assisted by Quentin Millière. The management board makes the major scientific and financial decisions. It is composed of 12 members: the WP leaders, the PI, and three experts of the different NEMO components (Sébastien Masson for OPA, Martin Vancoppenolle for SI3 and Thomas Gorgues for PISCES) in charge of overseeing all the model developments carried out in all the WPs. This management board works under the supervision of an advisory board of international scientists.

The second missions of the WP0 is to disseminate the scientific knowledge produced in CLIMArcTIC and to promote awareness of the public on climate-related issues. For this purpose, the communication about the project data, the production of a general audience exhibition and the organisation of a training event for teachers and educators are conducted throughout the project. 

WP1: Regional changes in the Arctic: reviewing our current knowledge – Lead: Florian Sévellec (LOPS) and Pierre Tandéo (Lab-STICC)

WP1 aims at reviewing our current ability to capture on-going and future changes in the Arctic, using available observations and outputs from the CMIP6 models (and in particular those encompassing a BGC component). A particular attention is given in the regionalization of such changes with the aim of providing maps of Arctic changes based on a full spectrum of physical and biogeochemical variables.

WP1 also works on providing a clear definition of what the Arctic territory is, as well as clear delimitation of the sovereignties from the many neighboring nations. Further is covered the possible consequences of the future changes affecting the Arctic limits for the establishment and applicability of the laws governing it.

WP2: Local conditions and processes – Lead: Brivaëla Moriceau (LEMAR) and Mathilde Cadier (Dyneco)

WP2’s goal is to understand, quantify and represent in models the processes that govern the pelagic bloom. Here we focus on how the local ocean and sea ice conditions influence these physical,
chemical and biological processes and their future change, for different regions governed by contrasted regimes.

WP3: Basin scale conditions and processes – Lead: Hélène Planquette (LEMAR) and Frédéric Vivier (LOCEAN)

The goal of WP3 is to document the processes that are important for determining the ocean and sea ice states in the different areas of the Arctic, and how these processes will evolve in the future. Rather than looking at the transient response to climate change, we focus on contrasting present and future ‘equilibrated’ states, focusing on the changes in seasonality.


WP4: Impacts of regionalized Arctic changes – Lead: Rym Msadek (CECI) & Jean-Paul Vanderlinden (CEARC)

WP4 addresses the impacts. By impacts, here, we mean (i) impact of the work carried out in the previous WPs on our ability to provide improved projections of the regional changes within the Arctic Basin, (ii) impact of the Arctic changes on the global climate system, (iii) impact of climate change in the Arctic on the local Arctic communities, and (iv) impact on the development of social-economic activities in the region.

CLIMArcTIC – 2023