
Mathilde Cadier - WP2 & 3

Researcher (DYNECO - Ifremer)

I work on modelling plankton communities using trait-based approaches and size-structured models. In the CLIMArcTIC project, I am in charge on the WP2 together with Brivaëla Moriceau. We aim at understanding the initiation and the local dynamics of the phytoplankton bloom in the two contrasted regions of the Arctic Ocean using a combination of in situ observations, mesocosms experiments and modeling approaches. 


François Delavat - WP2

Researcher (US2B - Nantes Université)

I’m associate-professor at Nantes University, working in microbiology and molecular biology. I’m interested in understanding the behaviour of marine bacteria in different contexts, such as during mollusk infections or during nitrogen fixation.

Sara Fleury - WP1, 2 & 3

Researcher engineer (LEGOS - CNRS)

I specialise in the spatial observation of sea ice, and more specifically ice thickness and snow cover, with the aim of better understanding its dynamics and the effects of global warming.

Thomas Gorgues - WP2, 3 & 4

Researcher engineer (LOPS - IRD)

As a marine biogeochemist, I am interested in the interactions between ocean dynamics, chemistry and marine biology, and their direct consequences on ecosystem productivity, structure and diversity. To carry out my research, I mainly (but not exclusively) use numerical models representing three-dimensional ocean circulation, the cycling of major nutrients and ecosystems of varying complexity.

Johann Lavaud - WP2

Researcher (LEMAR - CNRS)

I am a CNRS scientist working on the ecophysiology of microalgae; in CLIMArcTIC I will participate to the experimental lab and in situ work on sea-ice microalgae and Arctic phytoplankton.


Elodie Martinez - WP1 & 3

Researcher (LOPS - IRD)

I am a biogeochemist studying phytoplankton biomass variability in response to climate cycles, and investigating the related physical-biogeochemical process. Over the last years I have focused on artificial intelligence approaches to investigate the low frequency variability of the phytoplankton biomass in the global ocean.

Quentin Millière - WP0

Project engineer (LOPS - UBO)

I work in scientific mediation and project management. As a project engineer for CLIMArcTIC, I do project managing and help coordinate the project.


Rym Msadek - WP1, 3 & 4

Researcher (CECI - CNRS)

I am a climate scientist working mainly with global climate models on the role of the ocean and sea ice in climate variability and predictability. I am co-leading CLIMArcTIC WP4 on global impacts of regionalized Arctic changes. I will assess whether the impacts of the model developments carried out in the other WPs yield better projections in the Arctic. My plan is also to examine the oceanic and atmospheric pathways through which Arctic changes could affect the global climate.

Hélène Planquette - WP3

Research director (LEMAR - CNRS)

The general aim of my research is to gain a better understanding of the distribution and role of trace metals in the ocean. These metals, which are very scarce in the ocean and therefore difficult to measure, play a vital role in regulating the marine ecosystem and in the functioning of the biological carbon pump. Their biogeochemical cycles are under many modifications, and the Arctic is no exception. During CLIMArcTIC, I will mostly work towards better understanding the links between Arctic sea ice retreat, seawater composition and phytoplankton phenology under on-going climate change

Clément Rousset - WP3 & 4

Research engineer (LOCEAN - CNRS)

I am a research engineer at LOCEAN in Paris working on the physics of polar oceans. I am a developer of the sea-ice component (SI3) of the NEMO ocean model. My current research activity is focused on the study of polynyas.

Riwalenn Ruault - WP0

Pedagogical engineer (ISblue - UBO)

I am a pedagogical engineer for the ISblue Consortium. I support the transformation of training practices in marine sciences. For the CLIMArcTIC project, I am an advisor for training actions.

Pierre Tandéo - WP1 & 4

Researcher (Lab-STICC - IMT Atlantique)

I am an associate professor at IMT Atlantique and researcher at Lab-STICC. My main research interests are focused on AI, data assimilation, and inverse problems for geophysics. I am co-leading the WP1 of CLIMArcTIC.

Sophie Valcke - WP4

Research engineer (CERFACS - CNRS)

I work as research engineer in climate modelling, developing the OASIS coupler used internationally and setting up coupled climate models for our own research at CERFACS.



Martin Vancoppenolle - all WPs

Researcher (LOCEAN - CNRS)

I am a sea ice scientist, interested in the role of sea ice in the Earth System and specialized in using and developping modelling tools. As such, I am coordinating the NEMO sea ice working group. For CLIMArcTIC, I will mostly work towards better understanding the links between Arctic sea ice retreat and phytoplankton phenology.


CLIMArcTIC – 2023